Electricity networks


We have a powerful human team that accumulates extensive experience in the design of electrical high-voltage installations: power lines and transformation substations. We offer a holistic engineering service, from the first design phases of the project, to the start-up of the installation.

We have the most advanced payware (PLS-CADD, TOWER, etc.) as well as in-house applications for mechanical and electric calculations.

We carry out work for overhead and underground lines with rated voltage of between 45 and 400 kV and indoor or outdoor electrical substations of up to 400 kV.

Services carried out

  • Preliminary studies and draft projects.
  • Basic projects
  • Authorisation and licence processing with official organisations and private owners.
  • Topography work.
  • Geological-geotechnical studies.
  • Environmental impact studies.
  • Detail civil works, electro-mechanics, control, protection and communication projects.
  • Site layout out and staking.
  • Writing specifications and technical support in tender processes for contracting supplies and works.
  • Project supervision and management.
  • Occupational health and safety coordination.
  • Inspection and verification of in-service facilities.


Our activity goes from drafting the technical-economic study to attending to a new supply, or carrying out reforms on the network, to the commissioning of the installation.

We have a versatile human team with extensive experienced, backed by their good performance in several long-term contracts signed with electricity distribution companies, who are able to provide the most optimal technical solutions in each case.

The most frequent types of installations within this speciality are: overhead and underground medium and low voltage power lines and transformation centres for distribution and private companies, public lighting networks and indoor low voltage installations.

Services carried out

  • Technical-economic studies of new supplies and network reforms.
  • Topography work.
  • Geological-geotechnical studies.
  • Environmental impact studies.
  • Execution projects
  • Authorisation and licence processing with official organisations and private owners.
  • Site layout out and staking.
  • Project supervision and management.
  • Occupational health and safety coordination.
  • Inspection and verification of in-service facilities.
  • Data-taking and inventory of electricity networks
  • Maintenance and updating of databases and information systems of installations.

Electricity figures

  • More than 2700 km. of lines between 220 kV and 400 kV.
  • More than 3300 km. of lines between 45 kV and 132 kV.
  • More than 2000 annual projects and studies of medium and low-voltage installations.
6.000 km

of high voltage lines

150 transformer


"Si un reto vale la pena, sólo intentarlo ya te hace mejor"
Ada E. Yonath


Avda. Pablo Gargallo, 100, 5ª Planta, 50003 Zaragoza, España
+34 976 469 690 · satel@satel-sa.com
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