
We have a highly-qualified human team equipped with cutting-edge software and equipment, enabling them to address any type of topographic work will full guarantees.

We carry out our work applying classic topographic procedures, GPS and other technologies (Photogrammetry, LIDAR, etc.).

Services carried out

  • Longitudinal profile and plant surveys for linear work projects (power lines, piping, roads, etc.).
  • Topographic surveys of surfaces.
  • Boundaries
  • Measurements and volume determination
  • Digital terrain model.
  • Terrestrial laser scanner.
  • Laying out.
  • Control and audit in construction phase.

Topography figures

  • 8 permanent teams of topographist and assistant.



hours / year

25.000 linear

km of topography

"No temas a las dificultades: lo mejor surge de ellas"
Rita Levi–Montalcini


Avda. Pablo Gargallo, 100, 5ª Planta, 50003 Zaragoza, España
+34 976 469 690 ·
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