Renewable energies

After having collaborated in the engineering of more than 400 renewable source-based electricity generation stations, our professionals have sufficient experience to develop any project entrusted to us. We carry out preliminary studies, basic engineering, construction engineering and provide technical assistance on site.

We are specialists in projects for wind farms, photovoltaic power stations, and biogas or biomass plants, including, in all cases, the infrastructures to transfer energy (substations and lines) from the power station.

Services carried out

  • Identification of locations
  • Meteorological measurement tower project.
  • Monitoring of the meteorological data measurement campaign.
  • Installation layout,
  • Estimation of the electricity produced in an average year.
  • Technical-economic feasibility studies.
  • Environmental impact studies.
  • Basic projects
  • Authorisation and licence processing with official organisations and private owners.
  • Detail topography and cartography.
  • Geological-geotechnical studies.
  • Foundation design and calculation
  • Detail projects
  • Writing specifications and technical support in tender processes for contracting supplies and works.
  • Site layout out and staking.
  • Project supervision and management.
  • Occupational health and safety coordination.
  • Inspection and verification of in-service facilities.

Renewable energy figures

  • 400 wind generation projects.
  • 45 photovoltaic generation projects.
5.500 wind

turbines implemented

10 GW

installed power

"Sin duda no hay progreso"
Charles Darwin


Avda. Pablo Gargallo, 100, 5ª Planta, 50003 Zaragoza, España
+34 976 469 690 ·
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